Canterbury Caledonian Society
Established in 1880, the Canterbury Caledonian Society is one of the strongest Scottish Cultural Societies in New Zealand

News & Upcoming Events
The 142nd Annual General Meeting of the Society was held on Wednesday 20th March 2024, at the Society hall. A good turnout of members on the night. Bruce Fraser was re-elected to his second term as Society President. Geoff Hallberg retired as Vice President. George McEwan and Stuart Oliver continue as Vice Presidents. Wendy Neale and Jason Calder were elected as Directors on the night and Dougal MacDonald waa elected as a Director at a subsequent Board meeting.
Francie Fraser-Gill remains the Society’s Patron.
Any queries, please contact Jamie McEwan
Located in the city of Christchurch, New Zealand, the Canterbury Caledonian Society has a strong membership base, and includes sections for Highland & National Dancing, Scottish Country Dancing, Collections & Archives, Pipe Bands (four) and a College of Piping & Drumming.
The 2011 Canterbury Earthquakes destroyed our premises in Kilmore Street in central Christchurch. The old premises were built in 1923 and served the Society well. As recently as mid-2015, we opened our new, modern facility in the western Christchurch suburb of Wigram, since when the Society’s groups have enjoyed their new home and the bond of membership which makes the Society, has been strengthened.