Canterbury Caledonian Society
Grade 3 Pipe Band
The Grade 3 the band competes with distinction at various contests throughout New Zealand.
The band is seen as a stepping stone for younger members of the Society to the Grade 1 band, and is well suited also to those players who wish to compete without the high level of commitment required for Grade 1.
At the 2021 NZ Pipoe Band Championships in Hawke's Bay, the band won the NZ Grade 3 Championship.
For their MSR, see: https://youtu.be/ekbwK1a5CXw?t=877
For their Medley, see: https://youtu.be/ekbwK1a5CXw?t=3456
Contact Clare Fraser (Secretary/Treasurer)
12 Quantock Place
Christchurch 8083
Phone:03 3830074, 021 2173688
Band Practices: Wednesday evening 7.30pm 5 Michelle Road, Wigram, Christchurch
Grade 4 Pipe Band
The Canterbury Caledonian Grade 4 Pipe Band is based on a strong teaching philosophy, with recent members of the Grade 3 playing a prominent role. The band has attached to it, a young development band which regularly competes in Juvenile events. Strong in numbers, the band has enjoyed great success in recent contests.
The Canterbury Caledonian Grade 3 and Grade 4 Pipe Bands would like to acknowledge the help the following organisations provide in funding our activities.
St Kilda Retail Pty Ltd (Au), Bendigo Valley Sports and Charity Foundation, The Southern Trust, Rotary New Zealand and Air Rescue Services Trust.
Band Practices: Tuesday evening 7.30pm 5 Michelle Road, Wigram, Christchurch